Application Form
Click on the icon below to open a blank
membership form.
(This is in pdf format)
Print this off and complete fully. Send to the address below
with your cheque for the correct amount.
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If you are unable, for any reason, to
open the above form
print this page off - complete, and together with a cheque
or postal order for the correct
amount, made payable to
Northern Concord, post to the above address.
These details will be
kept secret,
and not released to anybody.
For safety and security please print your details clearly
Full Male Name |
Female Name |
Address |
Post Code |
Telephone |
Telephone |
E-mail Address |
Your copies of "Cross Talk" will be posted to you in
sealed, plain brown paper envelopes and addressed to your male name, as given above,
unless you specifically state otherwise.
One of the first rules that we said our organisation would have,
is that we would have no rules. However if you become a member an expectation is placed
upon you that you will behave in a highly respectable manner and not bring discredit upon
our society. Failure to follow this most basic of conditions could lead to your membership
being rescinded.
I agree with and will
abide by
the above condition of membership.
Signature |
Date of application |
For office use only.
Membership Number allocated |
Renewal Date |
Membership Costs:
£20.00 (Twenty pounds - GBP) per annum in the UK.,
£25.00 (Twenty five pounds - GBP) per annum for Europe,
£30.00 (Twenty five pounds - GBP) per annum for the USA, Australia and other distant lands.
The cost variation is to cover postal
rates. All payments from overseas should be by Sterling Bankers Draft or equivalent.
Any questions?
1987 - 2017
Working for the transgender community for the past 29 years